Here I go !!

June 2007.
“Pople say we use 10% of our heads. The truth is we use 10% of our hearts.” – Owen Wilson in ‘Wedding Crashers’ (2005).

Well it is this above line which finally inspired me to vent my coughed up emotions into this blog. When I say emotions I mean those of the heart and NOT of the head. More so becoz my heart rules my head and not vice versa. And that is probably the reason why the url reads ‘cardiacmusic’ and not ‘cerbralramblings’. Why so? Well maybe coz in this world while the logical and the algorithmic (incidentally I write code for a livng – but not the rocket launching types) somehow finds an outlet, the delicate and finer things in life are often trampled underfoot. Hence my endeavor here shall be to post the feelings of my heart and forget about the head (don’t have much of it anyway!).

As for the name of this blog, it isn’t that I smoke pot or something but it’s rather just a representation of the fact that for some unknown reason to me I seem to be at my creative best in the quiet hours of the night when I feel sleepy. Hence this is when I write. The pic to some extent represents this. Probably this is how I plan to seek solace in my twilight years when I need redemption in life (as u can see, all I need then is a loincloth and some cannabis - remember that is how Coleridge made ‘Kubla Khan’ and ‘Xanadu’ immortal right!). The tranquility of nocturnal hours hence are a bliss to my long suppressed soul which somehow finds utterance when I write my heart out. Hence the name ‘Sedated Bliss’.

I do regret that it took me a bit long to do this. After all Becker won the Wimbledon at 17, Gates wrote the tic-tac-toe at 13, Dell had his own BMW at 17, Steve jobs started Apple at 21, Greame Smith captained South Africa at the same age, Mozart wrote music at 4. Beethoven played the viola at 8 – the list is endless. And it took me a bit longer than them (what airs huh !!) to start this blog! But I plan to make amends. As they say – better late than never. I’ll try to live up to the few minutes of fame that u shower upon me whenever u read this. And meanwhile, if u feel the need to say something, blurt it out. Welcome on board the small deck of my boat in the quiet becalmed waters of my life.

And lastly, if u find anything wrong with the spelling or grammar, just ignore it as long as u get the implied meaning. After all when u write with your heart, u don use a word processor, do you !!!